Sponsor Spotlight: WNCN
The New Year is a time for reflection on the support received from friends that got us this far. We’ve worked with WNCN (NBC-17) since before our 2012 B-52s show, when they not only promoted the heck out of our event on their website and on TV, but they also committed to having on-air personalities serve as emcees. In that spirit, we spoke our friends at WNCN to learn more about the station’s commitment to the community – and to Band Together’s efforts toward social change.“At WNCN, we are community champions who empower smarter thinking by telling the stories of our communities that help viewers and the community’s citizens feel smart, connected and proud,” says Robby Thomas, WNCN Director of Marketing. “As an FCC-licensed broadcaster, it’s our responsibility to serve the public interest, and our sincere commitment to serve our viewing community in a way that empowers individuals to make better decisions tomorrow. Through partnership with BT, we believe we can reach those who may not engage with local news and weather. The unique approach to selecting a different charity each year also helps ensure an ever-growing audience.”
“2014 will be our third consecutive year as media partner. We continue to work with Band Together for so many reasons, including their effective fundraising efforts, influence in the community, and commitment to changing it for the better, even if that requires taking some calculated risks.”“We love teaming up with Band Together,” says Dane Huffman, executive web producer at WNCN.com. “In a cluttered media age, people still yearn for local information, and that’s what we are passionate about at WNCN. Our station’s mission is to serve our community, and Band Together is a perfect fit – an energetic group that identifies deserving charities and catapults them forward.”“Our confidence that BT continually selects a worthy recipient of its fundraising assistance has been redoubled in the choice of Communities In Schools – especially the inclusion of both Wake & Durham counties,” says Thomas. “That makes it even more appealing to us because it aligns with our goal of serving our entire 23-county viewing area.”