Our 2008 Partner: SAFEchild

Safe ChildWhile working with Triangle non-profit partners each year - attending Roadies events, After Work Socials, and working the Main Event - Band Together volunteers may wonder what each partner plans to do with the funds we raise together. For some partners, that may be expanding programs and services for the people they help. Other partners have specific goals to open new programs, develop and research new strategies, or introduce new technology to their programs. For our 2008 partner, SAFEchild, the $109,000 raised meant the launch of a new initiative - The SAFEchild Advocacy Center.SAFEchild Executive Director Marjorie Menestres told us they worked with “multiple ‘players’ in the child sex abuse investigation and prosecution system” to explore how to best meet the needs of abused children.  “It became apparent that the investigative and [prosecutorial] system at that time was re-traumatizing victimized children,” Ms. Menestres explained. The SAFEchild Advocacy Center was developed in order to facilitate a “more collaborative approach between law enforcement, social services/child welfare, child protection specialists, medical communities, and the District Attorney’s office”. Working with a multi-disciplinary team, including the Guardian Ad Litem program, and Wake County Public Schools, SAFEchild’s Advocacy Center has assisted more than 800 children since 2010.Ms. Menestres commented that, “SAFEchild’s partnership with Band Together was both fun and meaningful.  With the funds raised, SAFEchild was able to deepen its mission and create opportunities for more families to benefit from SAFEchild’s services and programs that help parents and children create nurturing environments free from abuse and neglect.”  To learn more about the Advocacy center, other SAFEchild programs, and ways to volunteer, go to www.safechildnc.org.


Nonprofit Selection: The Day After and the Million Dollar Vision


December 2013 Newsletter