After Work Social 15: March 24th

Band Together Charity - After Work Social

Band Together After Work Social 15 : Live Music from Lizzy Ross!

You've seen the new brand and website, now come check out another social with live music from Lizzy Ross!

What: Band Together Social Event with Live Music from Lizzy Ross!
 Good people. Music. No covers or asks for money. Ever. Who: Anyone interested in raising the BT bar. Bring a friend.
 When: Thursday, March 24th, 7-10PMWhere: Southland Ballroom 614 N. West St. RaleighWhy: As we edge closer to the main event, it's time to start sharing the music and to start talking about why we are helping Alliance Medical Ministry.How: Our gracious sponsors at Hill, Chesson, and Woody.BONUS: LIVE MUSIC WITH LIZZY ROSS!Band Together - Testimonials from After Work Social

"We were incredibly impressed with the turnout for the Band Together After Work event! We saw a huge increase in business for a Thursday night. It was great to be involved with such a great local group of people who are all focused on helping the community."Tara Zechini Director of Marketing & Events The Oxford/Eschelon Hospitality

Please note: This event is all-social. We promise. You wouldn't even need your wallet if it didn't hold your ID. Come hang out with a couple hundred good people, once a month, who care about our community and enjoy music.Band Together After Work Social - Banner from Busy Bee Photo provided by Busy Bee.


Last Band Standing 2011


After Work Social 14